12. Grants#

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# Import Pandas library
import pandas as pd

# Set Pandas display options
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)

# Original data
data = {
    'Grant Code': ['R01', 'R03', 'R21', 'R15', 'F30', 'F31', 'F32', 'F33', 'K01', 'K02', 'K08', 'K23', 'K99/R00', 'T32', 'T35', 'DARPA-XX', 'SBIR', 'STTR', 'NSF-XX'],
    'Grant Name': [
        'Research Project Grant',
        'Small Research Grant',
        'Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant',
        'Academic Research Enhancement Award',
        'Predoc to Postdoc Transition Award',
        'Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award',
        'Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award',
        'Senior Fellowship',
        'Mentored Research Scientist Development Award',
        'Independent Scientist Award',
        'Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award',
        'Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award',
        'Pathway to Independence Award',
        'Institutional National Research Service Award',
        'Short Term Institutional Research Training Grant',
        'Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency',
        'Small Business Innovation Research',
        'Small Business Technology Transfer',
        'National Science Foundation'
    'Target': [
        'Faculty, Staff',
        'Faculty, Staff',
        'Faculty, Staff',
        'Graduate Students, Postdocs',
        'Graduate Students',
        'Early Career Faculty',
        'Mid-Career Faculty',
        'Early Career Faculty',
        'Early Career Faculty',
        'Undergrads, Grads, Postdocs',
        'Undergrads, Medical Students',
        'Faculty, Staff, Collaborators',
        'Small Business, Faculty',
        'Small Business, Faculty',
        'Faculty, Staff, Collaborators'
    'Summary': [
        'Supports a discrete project to improve health.',
        'Small grants for limited research projects.',
        'Supports exploration of a new research concept.',
        'Supports small-scale research projects at educational institutions.',
        'Supports transition from predoctoral to postdoctoral status.',
        'Supports promising predoctoral students.',
        'Supports promising postdoctoral students.',
        'Supports advanced postdoctoral research training.',
        'Provides 3-5 years of support for research in a new direction.',
        'Supports independent scientists.',
        'Supports career development for those with clinical doctoral degree.',
        'Supports career development in patient-oriented research.',
        'Provides postdoc-to-faculty transition support.',
        'Trainees appointed by institution.',
        'Supports short-term research training for students.',
        'DARPA funds cutting-edge tech and science projects.',
        'Grants for small business/startup research.',
        'Funds cooperative R&D between small businesses and nonprofits.',
        'Funding for scientific and engineering research.'

# Update the data to include K24 and U01
data['Grant Code'].extend(['K24', 'U01'])
data['Grant Name'].extend(['Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research', 'Cooperative Research Project Grant'])
data['Target'].extend(['Mid-Career Faculty', 'Faculty, Staff, Collaborators'])
data['Summary'].extend(['Supports mid-career clinicians dedicated to patient-oriented research.', 'Supports long-term collaborative research projects.'])

# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Left-align all columns and display table
    'Grant Code': [{'selector': '',
                    'props': [('text-align', 'left')]}],
    'Grant Name': [{'selector': '',
                    'props': [('text-align', 'left')]}],
    'Target': [{'selector': '',
                'props': [('text-align', 'left')]}],
    'Summary': [{'selector': '',
                 'props': [('text-align', 'left')]}]
  Grant Code Grant Name Target Summary
0 R01 Research Project Grant Faculty, Staff Supports a discrete project to improve health.
1 R03 Small Research Grant Faculty, Staff Small grants for limited research projects.
2 R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Faculty, Staff Supports exploration of a new research concept.
3 R15 Academic Research Enhancement Award Faculty Supports small-scale research projects at educational institutions.
4 F30 Predoc to Postdoc Transition Award Graduate Students, Postdocs Supports transition from predoctoral to postdoctoral status.
5 F31 Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award Graduate Students Supports promising predoctoral students.
6 F32 Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award Postdocs Supports promising postdoctoral students.
7 F33 Senior Fellowship Postdocs Supports advanced postdoctoral research training.
8 K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award Early Career Faculty Provides 3-5 years of support for research in a new direction.
9 K02 Independent Scientist Award Mid-Career Faculty Supports independent scientists.
10 K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award Early Career Faculty Supports career development for those with clinical doctoral degree.
11 K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award Early Career Faculty Supports career development in patient-oriented research.
12 K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award Postdocs Provides postdoc-to-faculty transition support.
13 T32 Institutional National Research Service Award Undergrads, Grads, Postdocs Trainees appointed by institution.
14 T35 Short Term Institutional Research Training Grant Undergrads, Medical Students Supports short-term research training for students.
15 DARPA-XX Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Faculty, Staff, Collaborators DARPA funds cutting-edge tech and science projects.
16 SBIR Small Business Innovation Research Small Business, Faculty Grants for small business/startup research.
17 STTR Small Business Technology Transfer Small Business, Faculty Funds cooperative R&D between small businesses and nonprofits.
18 NSF-XX National Science Foundation Faculty, Staff, Collaborators Funding for scientific and engineering research.
19 K24 Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research Mid-Career Faculty Supports mid-career clinicians dedicated to patient-oriented research.
20 U01 Cooperative Research Project Grant Faculty, Staff, Collaborators Supports long-term collaborative research projects.
Next Steps:
  1. Immediate Objectives:

    • Refine content based on audience feedback

    • Create filters or layers to the table that allow the viewer to tailor the information to their needs.

  2. Long-term Objectives:

    • Expand this into a broader resource that includes more info

    • Application tips

    • Success stories

    • Exemplary funded proposals

  3. Resource Allocation:

    • Brief videos and infographics to enhance the accessibility and usability of this resource.