Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Set seed for layout
seed = 33

# Directory structure
structure = {
    "Skills": ["Literacy", "Project", "Numeracy", "Workflow", "Challenges"],
    "Estimate": ["Interval", "R01", "K24", "U01"],
    "Literacy": ["Open-Science", "Self-Publish", "Peer-Reviewed", "Grants", "Proposals"],
    "Numeracy": ["Python", "AI", "R", "Stata", "Estimate"],
    "AI": ["ChatGPT", "Co-Pilot"],
    "Project": ["Manuscript", "Code", "Git"],
    "Point": ["Nonparametric", "Semiparametric", "Parametric", "Simulation", "Uses/Abuses"],
    "Estimate": ["Point", "Interval"],
    "Interval": ["Oneway", "Twoway", "Multivariable", "Hierarchical", "Clinical", "Public"],
    "Workflow": ["High School Students", "Undergraduates", "Graduate Students", "Medical Students", "Residents", "Fellows", "Faculty", "Analysts", "Staff", "Collaborators", "Graduates"],
    "Challenges": ["Truth", "Rigor", "Error", "Sloppiness", "Fraud", "Learning"],

# Gentle colors for children
child_colors = ["lightgreen", "lightpink", "lightyellow",
    'lavender', 'lightcoral', 'honeydew', 'azure','lightblue', 

# 'lightsteelblue', 'lightgray', 'mintcream','mintcream', 'azure', 'linen', 'aliceblue', 'lemonchiffon', 'mistyrose'

# List of nodes to color light blue
light_blue_nodes = ["Literacy", "Numeracy", "You", "Project", "Challenges"]

G = nx.Graph()
node_colors = {}

# Function to capitalize the first letter of each word
def capitalize_name(name):
    return ' '.join(word.capitalize() for word in name.split(" "))

# Assign colors to nodes
for i, (parent, children) in enumerate(structure.items()):
    parent_name = capitalize_name(parent.replace("_", " "))
    # Set the color for Skills
    if parent_name == "Skills":
        node_colors[parent_name] = 'lightgray'
        node_colors[parent_name] = child_colors[i % len(child_colors)]
    for child in children:
        child_name = capitalize_name(child.replace("_", " "))
        G.add_edge(parent_name, child_name)
        if child_name in light_blue_nodes:
            node_colors[child_name] = 'lightblue'
            node_colors[child_name] = child_colors[(i + 6) % len(child_colors)]  # You can customize the logic here to assign colors

colors = [node_colors[node] for node in G.nodes()]

# Set figure size
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30))

# Draw the graph
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, scale=30, seed=seed)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_size=10000, node_color=colors, edgecolors='black')  # Boundary color set here
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size=20)

Medical Students

  1. Andrew Arking

  2. Mary-Grace Bowring

  3. Muhammad Rahman

  4. Maya Patel

  5. Carlos Ramirez

  6. Aisha Khan

  7. Benjamin Nguyễn

  8. Olivia Lopez

  9. James Martinez

  10. Fatima Ali

  11. Alexander Gómez

  12. Priya Desai

  13. David Okafor

  14. Sofia Almeida

  15. Daniel Kimani

  16. Isabella Navarro

  17. Ethan Chen

  18. Chloe Ahmed

  19. Joseph Amara

  20. Amelia Nwosu

  21. Samuel Nascimento

  22. Evelyn Gupta

  23. David Nguyen

  24. Harper Lee

  25. Christopher Choudhury

  26. Abigail Kaur

  27. Matthew Hernandez

  28. Harper Kumar

  29. Jayden García

  30. Sofia Silva

  31. Daniel Wong