
1. coefplot#

// Import data
use 18_nhtable102feb2023.dta

// Write model
logistic female sbp age i.race i.educ income dm smk bmi

// Command for figure
coefplot, drop(_cons) eform /// this is the most important part
    title("Title name here", size(med) margin(medsmall) color(black)) ///
    xline(1, lwidth(thin) lpattern(dash) lcolor(red%50)) ///
    xscale(log) ///
    xtitle("Odds Ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals", margin(medsmall)) ///
    mlabel format(%9.2f) mlabposition(12) mlabgap(*.5) ///
    legend(off) ciopts(lwidth(*1 *5)) ///
    levels(95) msym(s) mfcolor(white) ///
    note("put anything you want" ///
         ,span size(vsmall)) ///
    plotregion(margin(zero)) ///
graph export "model_example.png", as(png) replace

2. matchrun#

*Purpose: Pull match run sequence number for organs (designed for lung) that were transplanted
*Designed by Mary Grace Bowring, adapted by Jess Ruck (any mistakes are definitely Jess's)
*Last updated: 1/18/23

capture log close

global DATA /dcs04/legacy-dcs01-igm/segevlab/data/srtr/srtr2211/saf/stata
global FILE /users/ //update with your file path
global LAS /users/ //update with your file path
global START mdy(01,01,2015) //update this for your start date
global END mdy(12,31,2021) //update this for your end date (last transplant date included)
global CENS mdy(11,01,2022) //update this with your censoring date
global OFFERS1 /dcs04/legacy-dcs01-igm/segevlab/data/srtr/srtr2106/ptr //this folder has all of 2015-2020
global OFFERS2 /dcs04/legacy-dcs01-igm/segevlab/data/srtr/srtr2208/ptr/stata //this folder has all of 2021 to part of 2022. NOTE: missing heart match run data for 2021

use rec_tx_dt px_id donor_id rec_tx_org_ty rec_age_at_tx ///
don_ty rec_tx_procedure_ty using ${DATA}/tx_lu.dta, clear

keep if inrange(rec_tx_dt, $START, $END)
keep if rec_tx_org_ty=="LU" //lung; update as needed
keep if rec_age_at>=18 //adults only; update as needed
keep if don_ty=="C" //deceased donor transplants only
drop if inlist(rec_tx_procedure,605,606) //drop lobar transplants for lung

keep donor_id px_id rec_tx_procedure_ty rec_tx_dt

tempfile lu_tx
save `lu_tx',replace 
//2021 offer data 

merge 1:m px_id donor_id using $OFFERS2/ptr_lu_20210101_20211231_pub.dta, keep(master match) keepusing(match_id match_submit_dt ptr_sequence_num ptr_offer_id ptr_offer_acpt ptr_org_placed )

//checking that those that didnt match were outside of offer data dates
codebook rec_tx_dt if _merge==1
codebook rec_tx_dt if _merge==3
list rec_tx_dt if _merge==1 & inrange(rec_tx_dt, mdy(12,25,2020),mdy(1,09,2022))
tab rec_tx_proc if _merge==1 & inrange(rec_tx_dt, mdy(12,25,2020),mdy(1,09,2022))
//9 on the fringe- hopefully in the other data

drop if _merge==1
drop _merge

//at this point ptr_seq isnt missing 
//but might be mulitple match_id/match runs for each pair
codebook ptr_seq
sort match_id px_id donor_id

bys px_id donor_id (match_id) : gen n=_n
order n match_id px_id donor_id ptr_seq ptr_offer_id ptr_offer_acpt
tab n
bys px_id donor_id : gen N=_N
order N
list if N==3,sepby(px_id)
list if N==2,sepby(px_id)

//keep the larger match_id for each pair
codebook px_id 
codebook donor_id

//keeps largest match run
keep if N==n

codebook px_id
codebook donor_id

keep px_id donor_id ptr_sequence_numa rec_tx_dt
tempfile offers_2021
save `offers_2021',replace

//now a loop for other years 

forvalues i=2015/2020 {
use `lu_tx',clear

	merge 1:m px_id donor_id using $OFFERS1/ptr_lu_`i'0101_`i'1231.dta, keep(master match) keepusing(match_id match_submit_dt ptr_sequence_num ptr_offer_id ptr_offer_acpt ptr_org_placed )
	//checking that those that didnt match were outside of offer data dates
	sum rec_tx_dt if _merge==3
	local min = r(min)
	local max = r(max)
	list rec_tx_dt if _merge==1 & inrange(rec_tx_dt, `min',`max')
	tab rec_tx_proc if _merge==1 & inrange(rec_tx_dt, `min', `max')

	drop if _merge==1
	drop _merge

	//at this point ptr_seq isnt missing 
	//but might be mulitple match_id/match runs for each pair
	codebook ptr_seq
	sort match_id px_id donor_id

	bys px_id donor_id (match_id) : gen n=_n
	order n match_id px_id donor_id ptr_seq ptr_offer_id ptr_offer_acpt
	tab n
	bys px_id donor_id : gen N=_N
	order N
	list if N==3,sepby(px_id)
	list if N==2,sepby(px_id)

	//at this point i think reasonable to keep the larger match_id for each pair
	codebook px_id 
	codebook donor_id 

	//keeps largest match run
	keep if N==n

	codebook px_id 
	codebook donor_id 

	keep px_id donor_id ptr_sequence_num rec_tx_dt 
	tempfile offers_`i'

	save `offers_`i'',replace 
use `offers_2015',clear
merge 1:1 px_id donor_id ptr_seq using `offers_2016', nogen
merge 1:1 px_id donor_id ptr_seq using `offers_2017', nogen
merge 1:1 px_id donor_id ptr_seq using `offers_2018', nogen
merge 1:1 px_id donor_id ptr_seq using `offers_2019', nogen
merge 1:1 px_id donor_id ptr_seq using `offers_2020', nogen
merge 1:1 px_id donor_id ptr_seq using `offers_2021', nogen

save $FILE/lung_offers.dta,replace

//the method above may provide slightly higher ptr_seq number (bypass are included in that count)
//below we recalculate ptr_seq for each donor before merging with transplants 

use match_id px_id donor_id match_submit_dt ptr_sequence_num ptr_offer_id ptr_offer_acpt ptr_org_placed using  $OFFERS2/ptr_lu_20210101_20211231_pub.dta,clear

sort match_id donor_id ptr_seq
bys donor_id : egen final_match_id = max(match_id)
order final_match_id
drop if final_match_id !=match_id
//drop if ptr_offer_acpt=="B"
isid match_id px_id donor_id
bys match_id (ptr_seq) : gen new_sequence = _n
compare ptr_seq new_seq

merge m:1 px_id donor_id using `lu_tx',keep(using match)
sort rec_tx_dt 
list rec_tx_dt rec_tx_pro if _merge==2 & inrange(rec_tx_dt, mdy(12,25,2020),mdy(1,09,2022)) ,sep(100)
codebook px_id donor_id if _merge==3

//we're losing ~50 pateitns and donors with this latter method- best to just do the first
//median seq numbers arent that different after dropping bypasses anyway 

3. lungdx#

*Standardized Lung Diagnosis Recoding for TRC
*Input from OPTN guidelines and Dr. Christian Merlo
*Last updated: 1/18/23

recode rec_dgn (100 103 105 107 109 111 113 114 116 214 410 412 433 450 452 1603 1606/1608 1611 = 1 "Obstructive") ///
(200 202 203 205 206 208/210 212 216 218 220 442 1500/1502 1517 1548 1549 1600 1601 1614 1615 = 2 "Pulm Vascular") ///
(300 302 303 305 1602 = 3 "CF and Immunodeficiency") ///
(106 213 215 217 219 400/411 413/420 422/424 432/434 437 438 440/442 444 446/449 451/454 1518/1525 1550/1557 1599 1604 1605 1609 1610 1612 1613 1616/1617 = 4 "Restrictive") ///
(1997 1999 = 5 "Other"), gen(dgn)
lab var dgn "Recipient Diagnosis"

tab dgn,m

4. nhdemo#


*! demographics
*! essence: #41

quietly {

     capture log close
     global date: di %td date(c(current_date),"DMY")
     quietly log using "03_nhdemo$date.log", replace
     version 12

     global nh3 https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhanes3/1a/
     global start = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3

	     noi di "loading... 1988-1994 from $nh3"
     infix seqn 1-5 dmpstat 11 dmarethn 12 dmaethnr 14 hssex 15 hsageir	18-19 ///
	     hfa8r 1256-1257 hff19r 1409-1410 sdpphase 42 using ${nh3}adult.DAT, clear
	 tempfile surv1
	 gen surv=1
     save `surv1' 

     global nhanes "https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Nhanes"  
     tokenize "`c(ALPHA)'" //i.e., "`2'" -> B, "`3'" -> C, etc.
	 local Letter=1 //tokens: B-J
     local N=2 //surveys: 1999-2017   
	 foreach y of numlist 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 {  
         local yplus1=`y' + 1  
		 if `y'==1999 {
		 	 local letter: di ""
		 if `y' >2000 {
		     local letter: di "_``Letter''"  
         import sasxport5 "$nhanes/`y'-`yplus1'/DEMO`letter'.XPT", clear   
	     noi di "loading... `y'-`yplus1' from $nhanes"
	     tempfile surv`N'
		 gen surv=`N'
         save `surv`N'' 
	     local N=`N' + 1
	     local Letter=`Letter' + 1

	 noi di "..."
	 noi di "LOADED!"
     forvalues i=1/11 {
	 	 append using `surv`i''

	 local sample=100
	 sample `sample'
     lab dat "`sample'% of NHANES 1988-2018, Demographics"
     save "02_nhdemo$date", replace 
	 noi di ""
	 noi di ""
	 noi di "02_nhdemo$date.dta saved to " word("`c(pwd)'",1)
	 //big data!
	 noi di ""
	 noi di "rows x columns:"
	 noi count
	 noi di wordcount(r(varlist))
     global finish  = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3
     global duration = round(($finish - $start)/60,1)

     noi di "runtime = $duration minute(s)"
     log close


5. nhexam#


*! assemble datasets
*! exam, lab, q&a 
*! do so for all nh surveys

quietly {
     capture log close
     global date: di %td date(c(current_date),"DMY")
     log using "06_nhexam$date.log", replace
     version 12 

     global nh3 https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhanes3/1a/
     global nhanes "https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Nhanes" 
     global start = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3
	 noi di "processing... 1988-1994/EXAM.DAT" 
     infix seqn 1-5 pepmnk1r 1423-1425 pepmnk5r 1428-1430 bmpbmi 1524-1527 /// 
	     using ${nh3}exam.dat, clear
     tempfile exam
     save `exam'

	 noi di "processing... 1988-1994/LAB.DAT" 
	 infix seqn 1-5 ghp 1861-1864 ubp 1965-1970 urp 1956-1960 sgpsi 1761-1765 /// 
		 cep 1784-1787 using ${nh3}lab.dat, clear
     tempfile lab
     save `lab'
	 noi di "processing... 1988-1994/ADULT.DAT" 
     infix seqn 1-5 hae4d2 1605 had1 1561 had6 1568 had10 1578 hak1 1855 /// 
	     hae2 1598 hae5a 1610 hat1met 2393-2395 har1 2281 ///
		 using ${nh3}adult.DAT, clear
     tempfile qa 
     save `qa'  
     use `exam', clear 
     merge 1:1 seqn using `lab', nogen
     merge 1:1 seqn using `qa', nogen 
     gen surv=1
	 tempfile exam_0
     save `exam_0' 
	 tokenize "`c(ALPHA)'" //i.e., "`2'" -> B, "`3'" -> C, etc.
     local surv=2
	 local y=1999
	 forvalues i=1/10  { //nhanes survey
		 local yp1=`y'+1
  		 forvalues j=1/11 { //specific datafile
         local DATA2 BPX BMX L10   L16    L40    ALQ DIQ KIQ_U BPQ PAQ SMQ 
		 if `i'==1 {
		 	 local letter: di "" 
			 local DATA `DATA1'
		 if inlist(`i', 2, 3) {
		 	 local letter: di "_``i''"  
			 local DATA `DATA2'
		 if inrange(`i', 4,11) {
		 	 local letter: di "_``i''"
			 local DATA `DATA3'
		 local DATA: di word("`DATA'",`j') 	//jth datafile 
	     import sasxport5 "$nhanes/`y'-`yp1'/`DATA'`letter'.XPT", clear  
		 noi di "processing... `y'-`yp1'/`DATA'`letter'.XPT"
         tempfile dat`j'
         save `dat`j'' 
         use `dat1', clear
         forvalues k=2/11 { //merge k datafiles from 1 year
             merge 1:1 seqn using `dat`k'', gen(merge`k')

	     gen surv=`surv'
	     local surv=`surv'+1
	     tempfile exam_`i'
	     save `exam_`i'' //one datafile from ith survey 
		 local y=`y'+2 
	 use `exam_0' //1988-1994: nhanes 3
     forvalues i=1/10 {
	 append using `exam_`i'' //1999-2018: continuous nhanes

     lab dat "NHANES 1988-2018, Q&A/Exam/Labs"
	 lookfor smq
     save "05_nhexam$date", replace
	 noi di ""
	 noi di ""
	 noi di "05_nhexam$date.dta saved to " word("`c(pwd)'",1)
	 //big data!
	 noi di ""
	 noi di "rows x columns:"
	 noi count
	 noi di wordcount(r(varlist))
global finish  = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3
global duration = round(($finish - $start)/60,1)

noi di "runtime = $duration minute(s)"

log close

*! quietly, loops, indent
*! collapsing, debugging
*! this is a pro-tip :)

6. nhmerge#

macro drop _all

*! merge nhdemo & nhexam 
*! rename variables
*! selection criteria

quietly {
	 capture log close
     global date: di %td date(c(current_date),"DMY")
     log using "09_nhtable$date.log", replace
     version 12
     global start = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3 
     use 05_nhexam$date, clear  
	 replace seqn=-1*seqn if surv==1  //restore unique seqn across surveys 
	 tempfile 05_nhexam  
	 save `05_nhexam'
     use 02_nhdemo$date, clear
	 replace seqn=-1*seqn if surv==1
	 merge 1:1 seqn using `05_nhexam' //enforce a strictly 1:1 merge 
	 keep if _merge==3


quietly {
	 isid seqn
	 g year=surv
	 lab var year "Year of Donation, %"
	 label define Year ///
	     1 "1988-1998" ///
		 2 "1999-2000" ///
		 3 "2001-2002" ///
		 4 "2003-2004" ///
		 5 "2005-2006" ///
		 6 "2007-2008" ///
		 7 "2009-2010" ///
		 8 "2011-2012" ///
		 9 "2013-2014" ///
		 10 "2015-2016" ///
		 11 "2017-2018" 
	 label values year Year
	 drop if inlist(dmpstat,1,3)
	 drop if ridstatr==1
	 g race=dmarethn
	 label var race "Race/ethnicity, %"
	 label define Race 1 "White" 2 "Black" 3 "Hispanic" 4 "Other" 
	 label values race Race
	 recode ridreth1 (3=1)(4=2)(1 2=3)(5=4)
	 replace race=ridreth1 if inrange(year,2,11)
	 recode ridreth3 (3=1)(4=2)(1 2=3)(6=4)(7=5),gen(race2)
	 label var race2 "Race/ethnicity, %"
	 label define Race2 1 "White" 2 "Black" 3 "Hispanic" 4 "Asian" 5 "Other" 
	 label values race2 Race2
	 recode hssex (1=0)(2=1),gen(female)
	 label var female "Female, %"
	 recode riagendr (1=0)(2=1)
	 replace female=riagendr if inrange(year,2,11)
     g age=hsageir 
	 label var age "Age, y, median [IQR]"
	 replace age=ridageyr if inrange(year,2,11)
	 drop if !inrange(age,18,90)
     recode hfa8r ///  
     (0/8=1) ///k-8
	 (9/12 13=2) ///highsch, diploma
	 (14/15=3) ///some coll/assoc
	 (16/17=4) ///coll/above
	 (66/99=.), gen(educ)
	 recode dmdeduc2 ///
	 (2 3=2) ///
	 (4=3) ///
	 (5=4) ///
	 (7 9=.)
	 replace educ=dmdeduc2 if inrange(year,2,11)
     label define Educ /// 
     1 "K-8" ///
	 2 "High school, Diploma/equivalent" ///
	 3 "Some college/associate" ///
	 4 "College graduate/above" 
     label values educ Educ
	 label var educ "Education, %"
	 g income=hff19r
	 label var income "Income, $, median [IQR]"
	 replace income=. if inlist(income,88,99) 
     replace income=round(rweibull(2, 5000, 0)) if inrange(income,0,2)
	 forvalues i=3/20 {
	     replace income=round(runiform((`i'000-1000),`i'000)) if income==`i'
	 local lb=20000
     forvalues i=21/26 {
	     local ub=`lb' + 4999
	     di "`lb'" " `ub'"
	     replace income=round(runiform(`lb',`ub')) if income==`i'
	     local lb=`ub' + 1
     replace income=round(rweibull(1.09, 25000, 50000)) if income==27
	 replace income=indhhinc  if inrange(year,2,5)
	 replace income=indhhin2  if inrange(year,6,11)
	 local lb=0
     foreach i of numlist 1 2 3 4 5 {
         local ub=`lb' + 4999	     
		 replace income=runiform(`lb',`ub') if income==`i' & year!=1
		 local lb=`ub' + 1
	 local lb=25000
     foreach i of numlist 6 7 8 9 10 11 {
	     local ub=`lb' + 9999
	     replace income=runiform(`lb',`ub') if income==`i' & year!=1
	     local lb=`ub' + 1
	 recode had1 (2=0)(8 9=.), gen(dm)  
	 label var dm "Diabetes, %"
	 recode diq010 (1 3=1)(2=0)(7 9=.)
	 replace dm=diq010 if inrange(year,2,11)
	 recode hae2 (2=0)(8 9=.), gen(htn)  
	 label var htn "Hypertension, %"
     recode bpq020 (2=0)(9=.)
	 replace htn=bpq020 if inrange(year,2,11)
	 recode kiq020 (2=0)(7 9=.) if inlist(year,2),gen(ckd)
	 recode kiq022 (2=0)(7 9=.) if inrange(year,3,11)
	 replace ckd=kiq022 if inrange(year,3,11)
	 label var ckd "CKD, %"
	 recode har1 (2=0),gen(smk)
	 label var smk "Smoke, %"
	 recode smq020 (2=0)(7 9=.)
	 replace smk=smq020 if inrange(year,2,11)
	 g sbp=pepmnk1r
	 label var sbp "SBP, mmHg, median [IQR]"
	 g dbp=pepmnk5r
	 label var dbp "DBP, mmHg, median [IQR]"
	 replace sbp=bpxsar if inrange(year,2,4)
	 replace dbp=bpxdar if inrange(year,2,4)
	 replace sbp=bpxsy1 if inrange(year,5,11)
	 replace dbp=bpxdi1 if inrange(year,5,11)

	 g bmi=bmpbmi
	 label var bmi "BMI, kg/m2, median [IQR]"
	 replace bmi=bmxbmi if inrange(year,2,11)

	 g hba1c=ghp
	 label var hba1c "HBA1c, %, median [IQR]"
	 replace hba1c=lbxgh if inrange(year,2,11)
	 g acr=(ubp*1/10^-3)/(urp*1/10^-1) 
	 label var acr "uACR, mg/g, median [IQR]"
     replace acr=(urxuma*1/10^-3)/(urxucr*1/10^-1) if inrange(year,2,11)
	g logacr=log(acr)
	 label var logacr "Log uACR, log(mg/g), median [IQR]"	
	 g glucose=sgpsi*18/10
	 label var glucose "Glucose, mg/L, median [IQR]"
	 replace glucose=lbxsgl*1/10^1 if inrange(year,2,11)
	 g creat=cep
	 label var creat "Serum Creatinine, mg/dL, median [IAR]"
	 replace creat=lbdscrsi/88.42 if inrange(year,2,11)

     replace creat=0.960*creat-0.184 if year==1
     local k=cond(female==1,0.7,0.9)
     local alpha=cond(female==1,-0.329,-0.411)
     g egfr=141*min(creat/`k',1)^`alpha'* ///
	            max(creat/`k',1)^-1.209* ///
			    0.993^age* ///
				1.018^female* ///
				1.159^(race==2) if !missing(creat)
 	 label var egfr "eGFR, ml/min/1.73m2, median [IAR]"

quietly {
	 //3.keep variables 
	     keep seqn age female race race2 educ income dm htn smk ///
		     sbp dbp bmi hba1c glucose acr logacr creat egfr year

     lab dat "NHANES 1988-2018, Demographic & Health Characteristics"
     save "08_nhtable$date", replace
quietly {
		 //big data!
	 noi di ""
	 noi di "rows x columns:"
	 noi count
	 noi di wordcount(r(varlist))
     global finish  = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3
     global duration = round(($finish - $start)/60,1)

     noi di "runtime = $duration minute(s)"	

     log close

7. nhmort#


*! mortality linkage
*! cruxes at lines 35 & 47

quietly {
     capture log close
     global date: di %td date(c(current_date),"DMY")
     log using "12_nhmort$date.log", replace
     version 12

     global start = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3	

     global nchs https://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/
     global linkage datalinkage/linked_mortality/
	 global nh3 NHANES_III
     global mort _MORT_2019_PUBLIC.dat
     global varlist ///
         seqn 1-6 ///
         eligstat 15 ///
	     mortstat 16 ///
	     ucod_leading 17-19 ///
         diabetes 20 ///
	     hyperten 21 ///
	     permth_int 43-45 ///
	     permth_exm 46-48 
	 infix $varlist using $nchs$linkage$nh3$mort, clear
	 replace seqn=-1*seqn
	 tempfile dat0
	 save `dat0'
     local N=1

     foreach y of numlist 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 {
         local yplus1=`y' + 1  
	     local nhanes NHANES_`y'_`yplus1'
         infix $varlist using $nchs$linkage`nhanes'$mort, clear
	     tempfile dat`N'
	     save `dat`N''
	     local N=`N'+1
	 use `dat0', clear
     forvalues i=1/10 {
	     append using `dat`i''

quietly {
     lab def premiss .z "Missing"
     lab def eligfmt 1 "Eligible" 2 "Under age 18, not available for public release" 3 "Ineligible" 
     lab def mortfmt 0 "Assumed alive" 1 "Assumed deceased" .z "Ineligible or under age 18"
     lab def flagfmt 0 "No - Condition not listed as a multiple cause of death" ///
	                      1 "Yes - Condition listed as a multiple cause of death"	///
						  .z "Assumed alive, under age 18, ineligible for mortality follow-up, or MCOD not available"
     lab def qtrfmt 1 "January-March" ///
	                     2 "April-June" ///
						 3 "July-September" ///
						 4 "October-December" ///
						 .z "Ineligible, under age 18, or assumed alive"
     lab def dodyfmt .z "Ineligible, under age 18, or assumed alive"
     lab def ucodfmt 1 "Diseases of heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51)"                           
     lab def ucodfmt 2 "Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97)"                                            , add
     lab def ucodfmt 3 "Chronic lower respiratory diseases (J40-J47)"                             , add
     lab def ucodfmt 4 "Accidents (unintentional injuries) (V01-X59, Y85-Y86)"                    , add
     lab def ucodfmt 5 "Cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)"                                       , add
     lab def ucodfmt 6 "Alzheimer's disease (G30)"                                                , add
     lab def ucodfmt 7 "Diabetes mellitus (E10-E14)"                                              , add
     lab def ucodfmt 8 "Influenza and pneumonia (J09-J18)"                                        , add
     lab def ucodfmt 9 "Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27)"  , add
     lab def ucodfmt 10 "All other causes (residual)"                                             , add
     lab def ucodfmt .z "Ineligible, under age 18, assumed alive, or no cause of death data"      , add
	 replace mortstat = .z if mortstat >=.
     replace ucod_leading = .z if ucod_leading >=.
     replace diabetes = .z if diabetes >=.
     replace hyperten = .z if hyperten >=.
     replace permth_int = .z if permth_int >=.
     replace permth_exm = .z if permth_exm >=.

quietly {
     label var seqn "NHANES Respondent Sequence Number"
     label var eligstat "Eligibility Status for Mortality Follow-up"
     label var mortstat "Final Mortality Status"
     label var ucod_leading "Underlying Cause of Death: Recode"
     label var diabetes "Diabetes flag from Multiple Cause of Death"
     label var hyperten "Hypertension flag from Multiple Cause of Death"
     label var permth_int "Person-Months of Follow-up from NHANES Interview date"
     label var permth_exm "Person-Months of Follow-up from NHANES Mobile Examination Center (MEC) Date"

     label values eligstat eligfmt
     label values mortstat mortfmt
     label values ucod_leading ucodfmt
     label values diabetes flagfmt
     label values hyperten flagfmt
     label value permth_int premiss
     label value permth_exm premiss

     noi des 
	 drop if inlist(eligstat,2,3)
	 duplicates drop 

	 keep seqn mortstat permth_int permth_exm 
	 save "11_nhmort$date", replace 
	 //big data!
	 noi di ""
	 noi di "rows x columns:"
	 noi count
	 noi di wordcount(r(varlist))
     global finish  = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3
     global duration = round(($finish - $start)/60,1)

     noi di "runtime = $duration minute(s)"	 
	 log close

8. nhsurv#


*! baseline 08_nhtable.dta
*! outcome 11_nhmort.dta
*! km curve 30y mortality

quietly {
     capture log close
     global date: di %td date(c(current_date),"DMY")
     log using "14_nhsurv$date.log", replace
     version 15

     global start = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3
	 //0.final eligibility criterion
	 use 08_nhtable$date, clear
	 noi merge 1:1 seqn using 11_nhmort$date, keep(matched) nogen
	 gen died=mortstat
	 gen years=permth_exm/(12)
	 //1.healthy nondonor
	 g healthy=.
	 replace healthy=1 if ///
		 inrange(sbp,0,140) & /// 
		 inrange(dbp,50,85)  & /// 
		 inrange(bmi,0,30) & /// 
		 inrange(egfr,100,160) & /// 
		 inrange(hba1c,0,7) & /// 
		 inrange(acr,2,10) & /// 
		 dm==0 & ///
	 replace healthy=0 if missing(healthy)
	 save "15_nhsurv$date", replace 

if 13 {

	 //big data!
	 noi di ""
	 noi di "rows x columns:"
	 noi count
	 noi di wordcount(r(varlist))
     global finish  = clock(c(current_time),"hms")/10^3
     global duration = round(($finish - $start)/60,1)

     noi di "runtime = $duration minute(s)"	

quietly {
	 //2.just short of median survival
	 stset years, fail(died)
     sts graph, ///
	     by(healthy) ///
         fail per(100) ///
	     ti("") yti("%",orient(horizontal)) xti("Years") ///
	     ylab(0(10)50, angle(360) format(%3.0f)) 
	 graph export morality_nondonor.png, replace 
	 gen inelig=healthy==0
	 noi stcox inelig
     sts list, fail by(healthy) saving(16_nhkm$date, replace)
	      use 16_nhkm$date, clear
		  replace failure=failure*100
    //see results of segev/jama/2010		  
	 noi list healthy time failure if inrange(time,4.9,5.1)
	 noi list healthy time failure if inrange(time,11.9,12.1)
	 noi tab healthy
	 sts graph if healthy==1, ///
	       ha by(healthy) ///
		   ylab(0(.005).02, angle(360)) ///
		   yti("{&lambda}", size(6) ///
		        orient(horizontal)) ///
		   xti("Years") ///
		   ti("Nonparametric", size(3))
	 graph save nonparm_ha , replace 
	 keep if healthy==1
	 drop _st _d _t _t0 healthy inelig
	 save nh_nondonors$date, replace //for donor vs nondonor analysis

quietly {
	 if 0 {
	 noi streg if healthy==1, d(weibull) //beta = .0012, lambda=1.6, sigma=.6
	 noi streg if healthy==1, d(ggamma)
	 predict f_gg, ha
	 matrix list e(b)
	 matrix define b=e(b)
	 local beta: di %2.1f b[1,1]
	 local lambda: di %2.1f b[1,3]
	 local sigma: di %2.1f exp(b[1,2])
	 line f_gg _t, ///
	      sort ///
		   ylab(0(.005).02, angle(360)) ///
		   yti(" ", ///
		        orient(horizontal)) ///
		   xti("Years") ///
		   ti("{&beta}{subscript:gg} = `beta', {&lambda}{subscript:gg} = `lambda', {&sigma}{subscript:gg} = `sigma' ", size(3))	 
	 graph save parm_ha, replace 
	 graph combine nonparm_ha.gph parm_ha.gph, ycommon
	 graph export parmnonparm_ha.png, replace 
	 matrix ggpars=r(table)
	 //slope:  di (.015-.003)/(27-0) = .00044
	 //dL/dt = .00044; L = .00044t + 0.001
	     set obs 1000
	     g t=_n*30/1000
	     g L=.00045*t + 0.003 //from slope of non-parametric ha
		    //.003/12 gives the perioperative mortality!!!
	     line L t, ///
		   ylab(0(.005).02, angle(360)) ///
		   yti(" ", ///
		        orient(horizontal)) ///
		   xti("Years") ///
		   ti("{&lambda}{subscript:nonparm} ~ .00044t + .003", size(3))	
	     graph save L.gph, replace 
	     graph combine nonparm_ha.gph ///
		       parm_ha.gph ///
			   L.gph, ycommon row(1)
		 graph export lambda.png, replace 
		 //consistent with "di (1/1000)*(3/12)" perioperative mortality 
		 //consistent: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm
	     //1 death per 100 population; or hazard of .01 per person
	      //3.5m deaths/350m population 
	     set obs 1000
	     g t=_n*100/1000
		 g b=.085
		 g a=1
		 g A=-1
		 g l=1
		 g h=a*exp(b*t)+l 
		 g H=(A*exp(b*t)+l)+5000

		 line h H t 

if 0 {
     //3.table1 user input
     global title: di ///
	    "Table 1 Demographic and health characteristics of NHANES participants"
     global excelfile: di "Table1_Nondonors"
     global byvar healthy 
     global contvars age sbp dbp creat egfr bmi hba1c acr logacr glucose income  
     global binaryvars female dm htn smk  
     global multivars race race2 educ year  
     global footnotes1 Age SBP DBP CREAT eGFR BMI HBA1c uACR LoguACR Glucose Income 
     global footnotes2 Female Diabetes Hypertension Smoke
     global footnotes3 Race Race2 Education Cohort  	


if 0 {
     which table1_options
     table1_options, ///           
	 title("$title") /// by($byvar) ///
		 cont($contvars) ///
		 binary($binaryvars) ///
		 multi($multivars)  ///
		 foot("$footnotes1 $footnotes2 $footnotes3") ///
	 svmat ggpars
	 save 17_ggpars, replace 

	 log close

9. table1#


* requires Tasks/006_Ado_Files/table_options.ado, ind_translator.ado 
* adapted from Tasks/003_NHANES/13_nhsurv_4trc.do
* copied lines 169-204
* edited  line 169, 188
* deleted lines 200-202
* added lines 16-19 below 
* these create log file, import dataset
* outputs file called Table1_Nondonors.xlsx
* you may edit output file name at line 27

if 1 {
     capture log close
     global date: di %td date(c(current_date),"DMY")
     log using "02_nhtable1$date.log", replace
     use 15_nhsurv30jan2023

     //3.table1 user input
     global title: di ///
	    "Table 1 Demographic and health characteristics of NHANES participants"
     global excelfile: di "Table1_Nondonors"
     global byvar healthy 
     global contvars age sbp dbp creat egfr bmi hba1c acr logacr glucose income  
     global binaryvars female dm htn smk  
     global multivars race race2 educ year  
     global footnotes1 Age SBP DBP CREAT eGFR BMI HBA1c uACR LoguACR Glucose Income 
     global footnotes2 Female Diabetes Hypertension Smoke
     global footnotes3 Race Race2 Education Cohort  	


if 2 {
     which table1_options
     table1_options, ///           
	 title("$title") /// 
	     by($byvar) ///
		 cont($contvars) ///
		 binary($binaryvars) ///
		 multi($multivars)  ///
		 foot("$footnotes1 $footnotes2 $footnotes3") ///


	 log close

10. kaplan-meier#


*! adapted from Tasks/003_NHANES/13_nhsurv_4trc.do
*! copied & pasted lines 61-66
*! then added lines 10-14 below

quietly {
     capture log close
     global date: di %td date(c(current_date),"DMY")
     log using "02_survival_analysis_$date.log", replace
	 use 15_nhsurv30jan2023, clear
     version 15
	 noi tab healthy
	 sort healthy 
	 noi list years died healthy in 60210/60218
	 stset years, fail(died)
     sts graph, ///
	 by(healthy) ///
     fail per(100) ///
	 ti("") yti("%",orient(horizontal)) xti("Years") ///
	 ylab(0(10)50, angle(360) format(%3.0f)) 
	 log close 

11. r#

11.1 Intro#

Survival Analysis in R

11.2 Methods#

Data Source:
Outputs 15_nhsurv30jan2023.dta

11.3 Packages#

# good practice to start clean
# install.packages("haven)
# install.packages("survival")

rm(list = ls()) 

11.4 Surv#

# requires library(haven)
dat <- read_dta("15_nhsurv30jan2023.dta")

# head(dat)

# View(dat)

# requires library(survival)
dat1 <- cbind(years,died)
mysurv <- Surv(years, died)

11.5 Results#

# overall K-M
# K-M by group  

myKM1 <- survfit(mysurv ~ healthy)

# myKM1  
myKM1sum <- summary(myKM1)


     main=("Kaplan-Meier estimate with 95% confidence bounds"), 
     fun = "event",
     xlab = "years", 
     ylab = "Survival function",
     ylim = c(0.5, 0)) # plot with axes and title
# Cox PHM
# data attached so no need to state

myfit1 <- coxph(mysurv ~ healthy,
         ties = "breslow") 

11.6 Conclusion#

Survival Analysis in R
Just as easy as in Stata
Very similar output

12. table1_options#

*! inspired by 340.600.71 
*! by Zhenghao(Vincent) Jin & Abi Muzaale
*! July 5, 2022 
*! version 3.01
*! fixed rounding issue for non-by table
*! a space added to between median and IQR for cont vars

capture program drop table1_options
program define table1_options
     syntax [if],  title(string) ///  
	              [cont(varlist)] ///  
			      [binary(varlist)]  /// 
			      [multi(varlist)] /// 
				  [foot(string)] ///  
				  [by(varname)] ///
	quietly {
		// sreen if if syntax is called
		if "`if'" != "" {
			local if_helper = substr("`if'", 3, .)
			local if_helper : di "& " "`if_helper'"
		// screen if excel option got called
		if "`excel'" == "" {
			local excel_name : di "table1_option_output"
		else {
			local excel_name : di "`excel'"
		// generate an excel file
		putexcel set `excel_name', replace
		local alphabet "`c(ALPHA)'"
		tokenize `alphabet'
		if "`by'" == "" {		 
			// generate row and col indicator in excel
			local excel_row_c = 1
			local excel_col_c = 1
			local col1: di "_col(40)"
			capture local col2: di "_col(50)"
			//title string
			noisily di "`title'"
			ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
			putexcel $ul_cell = "`title'"
			 local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c'
			 count `if'
			 local total_N=r(N)
			 di `col1' "N=`total_N'"
			 local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
			 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
			 putexcel $ul_cell = "N=`total_N'"
			 foreach v of varlist `cont' {
				 quietly sum `v' `if', detail
				 local row_lab_c: variable label `v'
				 local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
				 local excel_col_c = 1
				 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
				 putexcel $ul_cell = "`row_lab_c'"
				 local D %2.0f
				 local med_iqr_c: di ///
									 `D' `col1' r(p50) " [" ///
									 `D' r(p25) "," ///
									 `D' r(p75) "]"
				 local med_iqr_c2: di ///
									 `D' r(p50) " [" ///
									 `D' r(p25) "," ///
									 `D' r(p75) "]"
				 local row_c: di "`row_lab_c' `med_iqr_c'"
				 local excel_col_c = `excel_col_c' + 1
				 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
				 putexcel $ul_cell = "`med_iqr_c2'"
				 //continuous varlist
				 noisily di "`row_c'"
			 foreach v of varlist `binary' {
				 local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
				 local excel_col_c = 1
				 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
				 quietly sum `v' `if', detail
				 local row_lab_b: variable label `v'
				 putexcel $ul_cell = "`row_lab_b'"
				 local D %2.0f
				 local percent: di `D' `col1' r(mean)*100 
				 local percent2: di `D' r(mean)*100
				 local row_b: di "`row_lab_b' `percent'"
				 local excel_col_c = `excel_col_c' + 1
				 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
				 putexcel $ul_cell = "`percent2'"
				 //binary varlist
				 noisily di "`row_b'"
				foreach v of varlist `multi' { 
					 local row_var_lab: variable label `v'
					 local row_lab_m: value label `v'
					 // count without missing
					 quietly count if !missing(`v') `if_helper'
					 local total = r(N)
					 quietly levelsof `v' `if', local(levels)
					 // putexcel the variable name
					 local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
					 local excel_col_c = 1
				  	 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
					 putexcel $ul_cell = "`row_var_lab'"
					 //multinomial varlist
					 noisily di "`row_var_lab'"
					 local nlevels=r(r)
					 forvalues l=1/`nlevels' {
						 local excel_col_c = 1
						 local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
						 capture local levels: label `row_lab_m' `l'
						 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
						 putexcel $ul_cell = "     `levels'"
						 local excel_col_c = `excel_col_c' + 1
						 quietly count if `v'==`l' `if_helper'
						 local num=r(N)
						 local percent_v: di `D' `col1' `num'*100/`total'
						 local percent_v2: di `D' `num'*100/`total'
						 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
						 putexcel $ul_cell = "`percent_v2'"
					 noisily di "     `levels' `percent_v'"	
						 local l=`l'+1

			local  oldvarname: di "`cont' `binary' `multi'"
			rename (`oldvarname')(`foot')
			local missvar "`foot'"
			di ""
			foreach v of varlist `missvar' {
				 local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
				 local excel_col_c = 1

				 quietly count `if'
				 local denom=r(N)
				 quietly count if missing(`v') `if_helper'
				 local vlab: variable label `v'
				 local num=r(N) 
				 local missing=`num'*100/`denom'
				 local missingness: di _col(25) %2.1f `missing'
				 local missing2 : di %2.1f `missing'
				 noisily di "`v':  `missingness'% missing"
				 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
				 putexcel $ul_cell = "`v': `missing2'% missing"
			noisily di "`if'"
			local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
			local excel_col_c = 1
			ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
			putexcel $ul_cell = "`if'"
		else {
			// generate a screener to see if user inputted a by varaible in table 1
			// this will not influence the table but will influence the footnote missing value section
			local dual_screener = 0
			local var_screener `cont' `binary' `multi'
			foreach var in `var_screener' {
				if "`by'" == "`var'"{
					local dual_screener = 1
			if `dual_screener' == 1 {
				noisily di "Wrong Input: The stratifying variable should not be inputted as table 1 variable"
			else {
				// generate row and col indicator in excel
				local excel_row_c = 1
				local excel_col_c = 1
				// first detect how many categories the variable has
				// save values to a macro
				local by_var_val = r(levels)
				// count how many values the variable has
				local val_count = 0
				foreach count in `by_var_val' {
					val_count = `val_count' + 1
				// prepare a spacing factor to separate columns
				local col_fac = 20
				// prepare a spacing parameter for actual separation
				// and the default should be 40 for the first column
				local col_sep = 40
				// prepare for column heading
				local col_lab_m: value label `by'
				// display first line
				noisily di "`title'"
				// put the title line into excel
				ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
				putexcel $ul_cell = "`title'"
				// di second line (the column heading)
				local col_header_count = 0
				// for second line, add excel row count for 1
				local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
				foreach col_h in `by_var_val' {
					// calculate appropriate identation for each column header
					// an identation is calculated based on basic identation for second column + identation factor per column * column number of each heading
					local col_sep_temp = `col_sep' + `col_header_count' * `col_fac'
					// adjust for the excel column counts to make sure it gets inputted to correct place
					local excel_col_c = `excel_col_c' + 1
					local col_s "_col(`col_sep_temp')"
					ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
					capture local col_level : label `col_lab_m' `col_h'
					noisily di `col_s' "`col_level'" _continue
					// output to excel cells
					putexcel $ul_cell = "`col_level'"
					// correctly counting for the header numbers
					local col_header_count = `col_header_count' + 1
				// use this to stop _continue
				noisily di ""
				// reset col_header_count
				local col_header_count = 0
				// reset excel_col_c to 1 so that new lines can be inputted to first cell of each lines
				local excel_col_c = 1
				// the third line (N=xxx)
				// first set the excel row count to correct numbers
				local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
				foreach col_h in `by_var_val' {
					// calculate correct identation
					local col_sep_temp = `col_sep' + `col_header_count' * `col_fac'
					local col_s "_col(`col_sep_temp')"
					// adjust for the excel column counts to make sure it gets inputted to correct place
					local excel_col_c = `excel_col_c' + 1
					count if `by' == `col_h' `if_helper'
					local col_count = r(N)
					noisily di `col_s' "N=`col_count'" _continue
					// output to excel cells
					ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
					putexcel $ul_cell = "N=`col_count'"
					local col_header_count = `col_header_count' + 1
				// use this to stop _continue
				noisily di ""
				// for counting variables
				foreach v of varlist `cont' {
					 // reset header count
					 local col_header_count = 0
					 // count for excel row numbers
					 local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
					 // reset excel_col_c to 1 so that new lines can be inputted to first cell of each lines
					 local excel_col_c = 1
					 // label name and displaying status
					 local row_lab_c: variable label `v'
					 // set format
					 local D %1.0f
					 // print variable name
					 noisily di "`row_lab_c'" _continue
					 // put variable name into cell
					 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
					 putexcel $ul_cell = "`row_lab_c'"
					 // print for each column
					 foreach col_h in `by_var_val' {
						// get correct separation space
						local col_sep_temp = `col_sep' + `col_header_count' * `col_fac'
						local col_s "_col(`col_sep_temp')"
						// count for excel columns
						local excel_col_c = `excel_col_c' + 1
						// get median and IQR info
						quietly sum `v' if `by' == `col_h' `if_helper', detail
						// display each column
						local col_percent : di `D' r(p50) " [" ///
											`D' r(p25) "," ///
											`D' r(p75) "]"
						noisily di `col_s' "`col_percent'", _continue
						// output to excel for median & IQR
						ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
						putexcel $ul_cell = "`col_percent'"
						local col_header_count = `col_header_count' + 1
					// finish the line
					noisily di ""
				 // for binary variables
				 foreach v of varlist `binary' {
					 // reset header count
					 local col_header_count = 0
					 // label name and displaying status
					 local row_lab_b: variable label `v'
					 // set format
					 local D %1.0f
					 // count for excel row numbers
					 local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
					 // reset excel_col_c to 1 so that new lines can be inputted to first cell of each lines
					 local excel_col_c = 1
					 // put variable name into cell
					 ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
					 putexcel $ul_cell = "`row_lab_b'"
					 // print variable name
					 noisily di "`row_lab_b'" _continue
					 // print for each column
					 foreach col_h in `by_var_val' {
						// get correct separation space
						local col_sep_temp = `col_sep' + `col_header_count' * `col_fac'
						local col_s "_col(`col_sep_temp')"
						// count for excel columns
						local excel_col_c = `excel_col_c' + 1
						quietly sum `v' if `by' == `col_h' `if_helper', detail
						local percent: di `D' `col1' r(mean)*100 
						noisily di `D' `col_s' `percent', _continue
						// output to excel for median & IQR
						ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
						putexcel $ul_cell = "`percent'"
						local col_header_count = `col_header_count' + 1
					 noisily di ""
				 // for categorical variables
				 foreach v of varlist `multi' { 
					// set format
					 local D %1.0f
					local row_var_lab: variable label `v'
					local row_lab_m: value label `v'
					// get levels of the categorical variable
					levelsof `v'
					local var_level = r(levels)
					// count for excel row numbers
					local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
					// reset excel_col_c to 1 so that new lines can be inputted to first cell of each lines
					local excel_col_c = 1
					// put variable name into cell
					ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
					putexcel $ul_cell = "`row_lab_m'"
					// display variable name
					noisily di "`row_var_lab'"
					// get value range in case some variables have extreme values like 0	 
					sum `v' `if', detail
					local v_min = r(min)
					local v_max = r(max)
					// loop from min to max
					forvalues v_val = `v_min'/`v_max' {
						// when loop from min to max, it is necessary to get rid off non-existing values
						// achieve this by count if the variable has the value or not
						count if `v' == `v_val' `if_helper'
						local v_level_count = r(N)
						if `v_level_count' != 0 {
							// reset header count
							local col_header_count = 0
							// reset excel_col_c to 1 so that new lines can be inputted to first cell of each lines
							local excel_col_c = 1
							// label name and displaying variable value
							local v_level: label `row_lab_m' `v_val'
							// count for excel row and output variable values
							local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
							ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
							putexcel $ul_cell = "     `v_level'"
							noisily di _col(5) "`v_level'", _continue
							foreach col_h in `by_var_val' {
								// get correct separation space
								local col_sep_temp = `col_sep' + `col_header_count' * `col_fac'
								local col_s "_col(`col_sep_temp')"
								// count for excel colmns
								local excel_col_c = `excel_col_c' + 1
								count if `v'==`v_val' & `by' == `col_h' & !missing(`v') `if_helper'
								local num=r(N)
								count if `by' == `col_h' & !missing(`v') `if_helper'
								local t_num = r(N)
								local v_percent = `num' * 100 / `t_num'
								local v_percent2 : di `D' `v_percent'
								noisily di `D' `col_s' `v_percent', _continue
								// output to excel
								ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
								putexcel $ul_cell = "`v_percent2'"
								local col_header_count = `col_header_count' + 1
							noisily di ""
				// missing values
				local  oldvarname: di "`cont' `binary' `multi'"
				rename (`oldvarname')(`foot')
				local missvar "`foot'"
				// a line spacer
				noisily di ""
				// put the line separator into excel
				local excel_col_c = 1
				local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
				ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
				putexcel $ul_cell = ""
				foreach v of varlist `missvar' {
					noisily di "`v'", _continue
					// output variable name into excel
					local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
					local excel_col_c = 1
					ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
					putexcel $ul_cell = "`v'"
					// reset col_header_count
					local col_header_count = 0
					foreach col_h in `by_var_val' {
						local col_sep_temp = `col_sep' + `col_header_count' * `col_fac'
						local col_s "_col(`col_sep_temp')"
						// count for excel col
						local excel_col_c = `excel_col_c' + 1
						count if `by' == `col_h'
						local denom = r(N)
						count if missing(`v') & `by' == `col_h'
						local neu = r(N)
						local per = `neu' / `denom' * 100
						local per2 = round(`per' * 10) / 10 
						// output to excel
						ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
						putexcel $ul_cell = "`per2'% missing"
						noisily di `col_s' %2.1f `per' "% missing", _continue
						local col_header_count = `col_header_count' + 1
					noisily di ""
				noisily di "`if'"
				local excel_row_c = `excel_row_c' + 1
				local excel_col_c = 1
				ind_translator, row(`excel_row_c') col(`excel_col_c')
				putexcel $ul_cell = "`if'"
capture program drop _all
program define ind_translator
	syntax, row(int) col(int)

	// tokenize the alphabet
	local alphabet "`c(ALPHA)'"
	tokenize `alphabet'
	// now translate col
	local col_helper = `col'
    while (`col_helper' > 0) {
		local temp_helper2 = (`col_helper' - 1)
		local temp_helper = mod(`temp_helper2', 26) + 1
        local col_name : di "``temp_helper''" "`col_name'"
        local col_helper = (`col_helper' - `temp_helper') / 26
	// generate a global macro that can be used in main program
	global ul_cell "`col_name'`row'"

13. irmatch#


// currently does not work with abbreviated variable names

//- is there a way to implement / generalize Dorry's "maxedout" option?
//  (if no match, pick somebody with age within 5y, BMI 20-30, BP 100-140)

//TODO: radii are reported incorrectly in posted dataset
//(always reported as maximum allowable radius)
//for exmaple, in ltmatch_k2_without, "init_age" always = 5 even though actual radius is usu 1 or 2

//- k>1 and "without are IMPLEMENTED!

program define irmatch
//rmatch 0.03
//by Allan Massie and Dorry Segev, Segev lab
//Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

syntax anything using, case(varname) id(varname) ///
    [k(int 1)] [seed(real 420)] [without] [replace] [verbose] [pedantic]
   //without = without replacement

    disp in smcl "{hline}"
    disp "rmatch 0.03."
    disp "When using this code, please cite:"
    disp in smcl "Massie et al 2013, {hi:'Stata Journal Article'}"
    disp "For a good reference on the radius matching techniques, consider:"
    disp in smcl "James et al 2013, {hi:'Iterative Expanding Radius matching for observational studies'}," ///
    " PMID {hi:XXXXXX}"
    disp in smcl "{hline}"


    //make a local copy of `0' to parse syntax before we actually get started
    //local arglist = "`0'"
    local arglist "`0'"   //hopefully this fixes the max-256-char thing

    local n = 0
    local repeatvars = 0  //once they start repeating, you can't add new vars
    gettoken curarg arglist:arglist
    while "`curarg'" != "using" & `n' < 20 {
        local n = `n' + 1
        //gettoken curarg arglist:arglist
        //curarg = current argument
        //which should be of the form varname(n1(n2)n3) 
        //NOTE: using "tokenize" here will spoil `1', `2', etc.
        //does not spoil `0'
        tokenize "`curarg'", parse("()")
        //now, `1' should be a varname
        local badinput = 0
        if "`2'`4'`6'`8'" != "(())"{
            local badinput = 1
        capture confirm number `3'
        if _rc {
            local badinput = 1
        capture confirm number `5'
        if _rc {
            local badinput = 1
        capture confirm number `7'
        if _rc {
            local badinput = 1
        capture assert `3' < `7'
        if _rc {
            local badinput = 1
        if `badinput' == 1 {
            disp as error in smcl ///
            "Error: each argument must be of the form varname(#1(#2)#3)"
            disp as error in smcl ///
            "Where #1, #2 and #3 are numbers and #1 <= #3"
            disp as error in smcl ///
            "Bad argument `curarg'"
        capture confirm variable `1'
        if _rc {
            disp as error in smcl "Error: variable `1' does not exist"
        capture confirm numeric variable `1'
        if _rc {
            disp as error in smcl "Error: variable `1' is not numeric"
        //input for this variable is valid

        if `repeatvars' == 0 {
            if "``1'_start'" == "" { //this var has not been listed before
                local `1'_start = `3'
                local `1'_rad = `3'
                local distinct_vars "`distinct_vars' `1'"
            else {  //this var HAS been listed before
                local repeatvars = 1
                local n_distinct = `n' - 1  //# of distinct variables
        else if "``1'_start '" == "" {
            disp as error in smcl ///
                "Error: after listing the same variable twice, you can't introduce new variables "

        local var`n'_name = "`1'"
        local var`n'_min = `3'
        local var`n'_step = `5'
        local var`n'_max = `7'

        gettoken curarg arglist:arglist
    //if we get this far, then the function was called correctly

    //construct the if statements
    local n_ifs = 0
    //iterate over (possibly repeating) list of variables
    forvalues i = 1/`n' {
        //iterate stepping from min to max
        local curvar "`var`i'_name'"
//disp  "`var`i'_min'(`var`i'_step')`var`i'_max'"
        forvalues var_step = `var`i'_min'(`var`i'_step')`var`i'_max' {
            local `curvar'_rad = `var_step'
//disp "`curvar'   ``curvar'_rad'"
            local n_ifs = `n_ifs' + 1
            local if`n_ifs' = "(1) " //build the `if' string
            //iterate over distinct vars to build the `if' string
            foreach vv of varlist `distinct_vars' {
                //construct if statement (see macrotest.do)
                //later define local `vv'_cur = value of vv for current record
                //This *seems* to work...
                local cur_if "cond(missing(\``vv'_cur\'), 1, abs(`vv'-\``vv'_cur\')<=``vv'_rad')"

                local cur_disp = substr("`vv'",1,3)
                local cur_disp "`cur_disp' \``vv'_cur\'/``vv'_rad' "
//local age_don_cur "OO"
//disp `"`cur_if'"'
//local age_don_cur "PP"
//disp `"`cur_if'"'
//macval() keeps `age_don_cur' or whatever from being interpreted at this point

                //local if`n_ifs' "`if`n_ifs'' & `cur_if'" 
                local if`n_ifs' "`macval(if`n_ifs')' & `macval(cur_if)'" 
                local disp`n_ifs' "`macval(disp`n_ifs')' `macval(cur_disp)'" 
local age_don_cur "OO"
disp `"`if`n_ifs''"'
local age_don_cur "PP"
disp `"`if`n_ifs''"'
//disp "total `n_ifs' if statements"

    //disp " original: `0'"

    if !inrange(`k', 1, 100) {
        disp in smcl as error "Error: k must be between 1 and 100" 

    if "`without'" != "" {
        quietly count if `case' == 1
        local ncases = r(N)
        quietly count if `case' == 0
        local ncontrols = r(N)
        if ((`ncases' * `k') > `ncontrols') {
            disp as error in smcl ///
              "Error: controls must exceed k*cases if 'without' option is used" 

    quietly count if !inlist(`case', 0, 1)
    if r(N) > 0 {
        disp as error in smcl ///
            "Error: case variable(`case') must be 0 or 1 for all records"
    quietly duplicates report `id'
    if r(N) != r(unique_value) {
        disp as error in smcl ///
            "Error: ID variable(`id') is not a unique identifier"

    local NUMERIC_ID = 1
    local id_type: type `id'
    if substr("`id_type'", 1,3) == "str" {
        local NUMERIC_ID = 0

    set seed `seed'

    //sort in random order
    tempvar rsort
    gen `rsort' = uniform()

    //to match c cases on v variables, Dorry creates c*v local macros
    //then drops the cases and works with only the controls

    quietly count if `case' == 1
    local ncases = r(N)
    quietly count if `case' == 0
    local ncontrols = r(N)

    //At this point we have `n_ifs' if statements to run for each record

    tempvar to_delete
    gen `to_delete' = 0  //used for "without" option

    //create c*v local macros which store all the data for the cases
    disp "Processing matching variables for cases..."
    gsort -`case' `rsort' //list cases first
    forvalues i = 1/`ncases' {
        local id_`i' = `id'[`i']
        foreach vv of varlist `distinct_vars' {
            local `vv'`i' = `vv'[`i']
    disp "Done."

    quietly keep if `case' == 0
    tempvar newcontrols alreadymatched
    quietly gen int `newcontrols' = 0 //mark whether a control matches the cur case
    quietly gen int `alreadymatched' = 0 //mark whether record has already been matched to cur case

    capture postclose postit
    postfile postit `id_type' (`id'_ctrl `id'_case) ///
        double `distinct_vars' maxedout matchnum ///
        `using', `replace'

    local step_size = 200
    if (`ncases' < 2000) {
        local step_size = ceil(`ncases'/10)

    disp "Starting matching process for `ncases' cases..."
    //MAIN LOOP: iterate over the cases
    forvalues i=1/`ncases' {
        quietly replace `alreadymatched' = 0   //haven't matched to anybody yet
        local id_i `id_`i''
        local nc_total = 0  //how many controls have been matched to this case

        //if var is (e.g.) "age", we need to define "age_cur" = age for this record
        foreach vv of varlist `distinct_vars' {
            local `vv'_cur = ``vv'`i''

        //iterate over the ifs; initialization string
        local if_i 1

        local remaining_matches = `k'   //how many MORE matches are required?
        //BEGIN ITERATION over each of the "if" strings that is used to expand the radius
        while `remaining_matches' > 0 & `if_i' <= `n_ifs' {

            quietly count if `if`if_i'' & `alreadymatched' == 0
            local nc_total = r(N)  

            if "`pedantic'" != "" {
             disp "id `id_i': `disp`if_i'': `nc_total' controls
               // disp "    `if`if_i''"

            //if we identified at least one control...
            if `nc_total' > 0 {
                quietly replace `newcontrols' = (`if`if_i'') & `alreadymatched' == 0
                gsort -`newcontrols' `rsort'

                local new_matches = ///
                    cond(`nc_total' < `remaining_matches', `nc_total', `remaining_matches')
                forvalues j=1/`new_matches' {
                    local nc_num=floor(uniform()*`nc_total')+1
                    if `alreadymatched'[`nc_num'] == 1 {
                        local counter = 0
                        while `alreadymatched'[`nc_num'] == 1 & `counter' < 20 {
                            local nc_num=floor(uniform()*`nc_total')+1
                            local ++counter
                    if "`verbose'" != "" {
                        disp "#`i' of `ncases' id `id_i': " ///
                             "control `j' drawn from control #`nc_num' " ///
                             "id " `id'[`nc_num']
                    local post_str = ""
                    foreach vv of varlist `distinct_vars' {
                        local post_str = "`post_str' (``vv'_rad')"
                    }     //iterate over vars to construct post string

                    if `NUMERIC_ID' == 1 {
                        post postit (`id'[`nc_num']) (`id_i') `post_str' ///
                            (0) (`nc_total')   //(0) = not maxed out
                    else {
                        local mymatch `id'[`nc_num']
                        post postit (`mymatch') ("`id_i'") `post_str' ///
                            (0) (`nc_total')   //(0) = not maxed out

                    //if w/o replacement, mark this control for deletion
                    quietly replace `to_delete' = 1 in `nc_num'
                    quietly replace `alreadymatched' = 1 in `nc_num'
                    local --remaining_matches
                }  //loop over the new_matches controls to assign
                //if doing w/o replacement, delete any ctrls that have been used
                if "`without'" != "" {
                    quietly drop if `to_delete' == 1

            //move to next "if" statement
            if `remaining_matches' > 0 {
                local ++if_i
            }           //if we haven't identified enough matches yet
        }               //while no matches & keepgoing == 1

        local maxedout = `remaining_matches' > 0

        if `remaining_matches' > 0 {          //if we FAILED to identify enough controls
            if "`verbose'" != "" {
                disp "#`i' of `ncases' id `id_i': " ///
                " failed to identify enough controls"
            local post_str = ""
            foreach vv of varlist `distinct_vars' {
                local post_str = "`post_str' (``vv'_rad')"
            }     //iterate over vars to construct post string
            //post once for each non-match
            forvalues jj = 1/`remaining_matches' {
                if `NUMERIC_ID' == 1 {
                    post postit (.) (`id_i') `post_str' ///
                        (`maxedout') (`nc_total')
                else {
                    post postit ("") ("`id_i'") `post_str' ///
                        (`maxedout') (`nc_total')
        }   //if we failed to identify enough controls
        if "`verbose'" == "" & mod(`i',`step_size') == 0 {
            disp "Finished `i' of `ncases' cases (" %3.1f `i'*100/`ncases'  "%)"
    }                   //loop over each case

    postclose postit

14. simulatepopulation#

extra credit
reverse engineer
polack et al. nejm 2020
to  appreciate 340.600.71
from a fresh perspective

capture log close
log using BNT162b2.log, replace
set more off
clear all
version 16 //not checked whether it runs on earlier versions

  //row1: treatment assignment 
set seed 34060071  
set obs 37706 //study population  
gen bnt=rbinomial(1,.5) //random 1:1 assignment
lab define Bnt /// 
    0 "Placebo" /// group labels
	1 "BNT162b2"    
label values bnt Bnt
tab bnt

  //row2: sex
gen female=rbinomial(1, .494)
label define Female ///
    0 "Male" ///
	1 "Female"
label values female Female
tab female

  //row3: race/ethnicity
tempvar dem // temporarily need it
gen `dem'=round(runiform(0,100),.1) // equal pr(sampled)
recode `dem' /// but not inform by race: 
    (0/82.9=0) /// 82.9% white
    (83.0/92.1=1) /// 9.3% black
    (92.2/96.51=2) /// 4.3% asian  
    (96.52/97.0=3) /// 0.5% native american or alaskan
    (97.1/97.2=4) /// 0.2% native hawaiian/other pacific isl
    (97.3/99.41=5) /// 2.3% multiracial
    (99.42/100=6) /// 0.6% not reported
     , gen(race)
lab define Race ///
	0 "White" ///    
    1 "Black or African American" ///
	2 "Asian" ///
	3 "Native American or Alsak Native" ///
	4 "Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander" ///
	5 "Multiracial" ///
	6 "Not reported"
label values race Race
tab race

    //row4: ethnicity
gen ethnicity=rbinomial(1,0.28)
tostring ethnicity, replace
replace ethnicity="Latinx" if ethnicity=="1"
replace ethnicity="Other" if ethnicity=="0"

     //row5: country
tempvar country
gen `country'=round(runiform(0,100), .1)
recode `country' /// 
    (0/15.3=0) /// 15.3% argentina
	(15.4/21.5=1) /// 6.1% brazil
	(21.6/23.6=2) /// 2.0% south africa
	(23.7/100=3) /// 76.7% united states
	    , gen(country) // source populations
label define Country ///
	0 "Argentina" ///
    1 "Brazil" ///
	2 "South Africa" ///
	3 "United States"
label values country Country
tab country

    //row7: age at vaccination
gen age=(rt(_N)*9.25)+52 //estimated mu,sigma from median/range
replace age=runiform(16,91) /// range from table1 ~ 4*sigma 
    if !inrange(age,16,91)
summ age, detail
local age_med=r(p50)
local age_lb=r(min)
local age_ub=r(max)
gen dob = d(27jul2020) -  /// earliest recruitment into trial
          (age*365.25) //  age at recruitment
gen dor = dob + age*365.25 + runiform(0,4*30.25)
    //row6: age group can only be defined after age
gen over55=age>55 // actual population is 5.3% more
tab over55 // suggesting skewness to left

    //row8: bmi
gen bmi=rbinomial(1, .351)
tab bmi

//figure 3: time-to-event data 
g days=rweibull(.7,17,0) if bnt==0 //timing of covid for placebo
g covid=rbinomial(1, 162/21728) if bnt==0 //freq of covid event  
*replace days=rgamma(1/1.8,11) if bnt==1 //timing of covid for bnt
replace days=rweibull(.4,.8,0) if bnt==1 //timing of covid for bnt

*hist days if bnt==1 & days<114

replace covid=rbinomial(1, 14/21772) if bnt==1  //freq of covid for bnt

//key dates 
gen eft = dor + days

//date formats
format dob %td
format dor %td
format eft %td

 //kaplan-meier curve
 stset days, fail(covid) 
 sts graph, /// kaplan-meier curve
    by(bnt) /// stratifying variable
    fail per(100) /// yscale in %
    tmax(119) /// xscale limit
    xlab(0(7)119) ///
    ylab(0(.4)2.4, ///
        angle(360) /// verticle/easy to read ylabs
	    format("%3.1f")) /// precision 1 decimal
    xti("Days after Dose 1") ///
    legend(off) ///
    text(2.3 100 "Placebo", ///
	    col(navy)) ///
    text(.5 100 "BNT162b2", ///
graph export BNT162b2.png, replace
stcox bnt
drop _* age over55 days //to be calculated by the student
g bnt_id=round(runiform(37,37+_N))
compress //change variables from float to byte if possible

//label variables
lab var bnt_id "Participant Identifier"
lab var bnt "Random treatment assignment"
lab var female "Gender at birth"
lab var race "Self-identified race"
lab var ethnicity "Hispanic ethnicity"
lab var country "Country where trial was conducted"
lab var dob "Date of birth"
lab var dor "Date of recruitment into BNT162b2 trial"
lab var eft "Date of exit from BNT162b2 trial"
lab var bmi "Obese"
lab var covid  "Covid-19 status on eft date"

//label data
lab data "Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine"
order bnt_id dob female race ethnicity country bmi bnt eft covid 
***replace eft=. if eft>d(15dec2020) //some folks lost to followup
save BNT162b2, replace 	  
log close

15. intervalcensoring#

** W. Werbel 7.20.20 HCV project stintreg code - darn I saved over this ESW code, not good
** Adapted from ESW project, curves still have that variable in place - swap out for relevant model and exp/outcome var

use steroid_ar_May_2020.dta

** change x axis from days to years

gen r_time_yrs= right_time/365
gen l_time_yrs= left_time/365

** set left time just a fraction beyond zero so that these people can enter interval censoring calculations and are not designated as being censored at time zero.

replace left_time=0.01 if left_time==0
replace l_time_yrs=0.001 if l_time_yrs==0

** example univariable code for rejection

stintreg don_hcv_nat_numeric, interval(l_time_yrs r_time_yrs) distribution(weibull)

** model checking, see if weibull fits ok

estat gofplot

** survival curves; currently set up for ESW analysis, sub HCV!

stcurve, survival at1(Isteroid_maint=0) at2(Isteroid_maint=1) graphregion(c(white)) title("") // 
xtitle("Years post-transplantation") xlabel(0 (1) 6) xsca(titlegap(2)) ytitle("Rejection-free survival" ) //
ysca(titlegap(2)) ylabel(0 "0%" 0.25 "25%" 0.5 "50%" 0.75 "75%" 1 "100%") lpattern(dash) lwidth(*2) legend (col(1) //
order( 1 "Early Steroid Withdrawal" 2 "Steroid Continuation") nobox position(7) ring(0) region(lwidth(none)))

** full model, sub HCV model! vars of interest are similar for rejection,

stintreg Isteroid_maint don_age_decade recip_age_decade recip_black_race rec_hcv_numeric //
living_donor hla_0mismatch decile_rec_cpra dgf Ithymo_ind, interval(left_time right_time) distribution(weibull)

** can flip the axis to make it nicer (no longer "survival" orientation)

stcurve, survival at1(Isteroid_maint=0) at2(Isteroid_maint=1) graphregion(c(white)) title("") xtitle("Years post-transplantation") //
xlabel(0 (1) 6) xsca(titlegap(2)) ytitle("Acute rejection" ) ysca(titlegap(2)) ysc(reverse) ylabel(1 "0%" 0.9 "10%" 0.8 "20%" 0.7 "30%") //
lpattern(dash) lwidth(*2) legend (col(1) order( 1 "Early Steroid Withdrawal" 2 "Steroid Continuation") nobox position(10) ring(0) region(lwidth(none)))

** getting cumulative incidences

replace left_time=365 
replace right_time=365*2
predict s1yr s2yr, surv
replace left_time=365*3
replace right_time=365*4
predict s3yr s4yr, surv
replace left_time=365*5
replace right_time=365*6
predict s5yr s6yr, surv
list Isteroid_maint s1yr s2yr s3yr s4yr s5yr s6yr, sepby(Isteroid_maint)
tabstat s1yr s2yr s3yr s4yr s5yr s6yr, by(Isteroid_maint) stats(mean)  // subtract from 1

** other subanalyses to separate the curves

** black

stcurve, survival at1(recip_black_race=0) at2(recip_black_race=1) graphregion(c(white)) title("") //
xtitle("Years post-transplantation") xlabel(0 (1) 6) xsca(titlegap(2)) ytitle("Acute rejection" ) //
ysca(titlegap(2)) ysc(reverse) ylabel(1 "0%" 0.9 "10%" 0.8 "20%" 0.7 "30%") lpattern(dash) lwidth(*2) //
legend (col(1) order( 1 "Non-black recipient" 2 "Black recipient") nobox position(10) ring(0) region(lwidth(none)))

** txp era

stcurve, survival at1(txp_era=0) at2(txp_era=1) at3(txp_era=2) graphregion(c(white)) title("") //
xtitle("Years post-transplantation") xlabel(0 (1) 6) xsca(titlegap(2)) ytitle("Acute rejection" ) //
ysca(titlegap(2)) ysc(reverse) ylabel(1 "0%" 0.9 "10%" 0.8 "20%" 0.7 "30%") lcolor (blue red black) //
lwidth(*2) legend (col(1) order( 1 "2000-2007" 2 "2008-2013" 3 "2014-2017") nobox position(10) ring(0) region(lwidth(none)))

** living donor

stcurve, survival at1(living_donor=0) at2(living_donor=1) graphregion(c(white)) title("") //
xtitle("Years post-transplantation") xlabel(0 (1) 6) xsca(titlegap(2)) ytitle("Acute rejection" ) //
ysca(titlegap(2)) ysc(reverse) ylabel(1 "0%" 0.9 "10%" 0.8 "20%" 0.7 "30%") lcolor (blue red) lwidth(*2) //
legend (col(1) order( 1 "Deceased donor" 2 "Living donor") nobox position(10) ring(0) region(lwidth(none)))

** thymo

stcurve, survival at1(Ithymo_ind=0) at2(Ithymo_ind=1) graphregion(c(white)) title("") //
xtitle("Years post-transplantation") xlabel(0 (1) 6) xsca(titlegap(2)) ytitle("Acute rejection" ) //
ysca(titlegap(2)) ysc(reverse) ylabel(1 "0%" 0.9 "10%" 0.8 "20%" 0.7 "30%") lcolor (blue red) lwidth(*2) //
legend (col(1) order( 1 "No thymoglobulin" 2 "Thymoglobulin") nobox position(10) ring(0) region(lwidth(none)))

16. non-semi-para#

* to be presented on 03/14/22 to TRC analysts
* https://www.prb.org/usdata/indicator/deaths/table/

// cls
use 18_nhtable102feb2023.dta, clear 

//hazards: conditional risk 
     //1. empirical
     global deathrate=(2854838/328300000)

quietly {
	 noi tab female
	 sort female 
	 sum female 
	 global lb: di r(N)*(1-r(mean))-4
	 global ub: di r(N)*(1-r(mean))+4
	 g years=permth_exm/12
	 noi list years mortstat female in $lb/$ub
	 stset years, fail(mortstat)


quietly {
	//2. nonparametric
	 // cls 
	 sts graph, ///
	     ha by(female) ///
		 ylab(0(.005).03, angle(360)) ///
		 yti("{&lambda}", size(6) ///
		     orient(horizontal)) ///
		 xti("Years") ///
		 ti("Nonparametric", size(3)) ///
		 legend(off ring(0) ///
		     pos(11) ///
			 order(1 2) ///
			 row(2) ///
			 lab(1 "Male") ///
			 lab(2 "Female") ///
			 ) ///
		 yline($deathrate, ///
		       lp(dash) ///
			   lc(lime) ///
	 graph save ha_nonpar.gph, replace 

quietly  {
	 //2. survival, failure
	 // cls 
	 sts graph, ///
	 by(female) ///
		 fail ///
		 per(100) ///
		 ylab(0(20)100, angle(360) format(%3.0f)) ///
		 yti("%", size(6) ///
		     orient(horizontal)) ///
		 xti("Years") ///
		 ti("Nonparametric", size(3)) ///
		 legend(on ring(0) ///
		     pos(11) ///
			 order(1 2) ///
			 row(2) ///
			 lab(1 "Male") ///
			 lab(2 "Female") ///
			 ) ///
		 yline(50, ///
		       lp(dash) ///
			   lc(lime) ///
	 graph save surv_nonpar.gph, replace 

quietly  {
	//3. semiparametric
	 // cls 
	 stcox female 
	 //baseline cumhaz
	 predict H, basec
	 sum H
	 global H=r(max)
	 //figure prep
	 matrix define a_mort=(0,1)
	 matrix define b=e(b)
	 matrix define V_mort=e(V)
	 matrix b_mort = a_mort*b'
	 noi matrix list b_mort
	 noi matrix list V_mort
	 noi di (1 - exp(-$H *exp(b_mort[1,1])))*100
	 noi di (1 - exp(-$H *exp(-1.78)))*100
	 g risk0 = (1 - exp(-H *exp(b_mort[1,1])))*100
	 g risk1 = (1 - exp(-H *exp(b_mort[1,2])))*100
	 local complete=e(N)
	 local complete: di %2.0f `complete' " of " %2.0f `studypop'
	 line risk0 risk1 _t, sort ///
	     ti("Semiparametric ", size(3)) ///
		 xti("Years") ///
		 yti("",orient(horizontal)) ///
		 ylab(0(20)100, angle(360)) ///
		 xlab(0(10)30) ///
	     legend(off ///
	         ring(0) ////
		     pos(11) ///
		     col(1) ///
		     lab(1 "Male") ///
			 lab(2 "Female") ///
			 ) ///
		 yline(50, lp(dash) lc(lime))
	 graph save surv_semipar.gph, replace 

quietly {

     streg female, d(weibull)
	 matrix define h0 = e(b)
	 global h0 = exp(_t*exp(h0[1,2]))
	 //g h0 = exp(-1*_t*h0[1,2])
     stcurve, fail at(female= (0 1)) ///
		 ylab(0(.2)1, ///
		     angle(360)) ///
		 xlab(0(10)30) ///
		 yline(.5, lc(lime) lp(dash)) ///
		 yti("") ///
		 legend(off ring(0) ///
		     pos(11) ///
			 order(1 2) ///
			 row(2) ///
			 lab(1 "Male") ///
			 lab(2 "Female") ///
			 ) /// 
		 ti("Parametric", size(3))
	 graph save surv_par.gph, replace 

quietly {
	//parametric vs. non-parametric 
	 // cls 
	 sts graph, ///
	     ha by(female) ///
		 ylab(0(.005).03, angle(360)) ///
		 yti("", size(6) ///
		     orient(horizontal)) ///
		 xti("Years") ///
		 ti("Nonparametric", size(3)) ///
		 legend(off ring(0) ///
		     pos(11) ///
			 order(1 2) ///
			 row(2) ///
			 lab(1 "Male") ///
			 lab(2 "Female") ///
			 ) ///
		 yline($deathrate, ///
		       lp(dash) ///
			   lc(lime) ///
			   ) ///
		 yline($h0, ///
		       lp(dash) ///
			   lc(orange) ///
	 graph save ha_par.gph, replace 

graph combine ///
	 surv_nonpar.gph ///
	 surv_semipar.gph ///
	 surv_par.gph ///
	 ha_nonpar.gph ///
	 ha_par.gph, ///

graph export nh_mort.pdf, replace 

17. modelselection#

quietly {
	 noi di "and the winner is..."

	if 1 {
		//import data
		use 18_nhtable102feb2023.dta
	if 2 {
		//survival analysis
		g years=permth_exm/12
		stset years, fail(mortstat==1)
	if 0 {
		sts graph, ///
		     fail ///
			 by(htn) ///
			 per(100) ///
			 ylab(, ///
			     format(%3.0f) angle(360)) ///
			 ti("Mortality in the United States, 1988-2018") ///
			 xti("Years") ///
			 yti("%", ///
			     orientation(horizontal)) ///
			 legend(on ///
			     ring(0) ///
				 pos(11) ///
				 col(1) ///
				 order(2 1) ///
				 lab(1 "Normotensive") ///
				 lab(2 "Hypertensive")) ///
			 caption("Source: NHANES")
	if 4 {
		//nested models 
		global demo age female i.race i.educ income 
		global qa dm htn smk 
		global exam sbp dbp bmi 
		global lab hba1c acr glucose creat 
		//cox regression
		stcox $demo 
		est store demo 
		stcox $demo $qa  
		est store demoqa
		stcox $demo $qa $exam  
		est store demoqaexam
		stcox $demo $qa $exam $lab
		est store demoqaexamlab
		//rank models 
		est stat demo demoqa demoqaexam demoqaexamlab
		//manipulate output
		matrix define models=r(S)
		noi matrix list models
		svmat models 
		keep models*
		rename (models1 models2 models3 models4 models5 models6) ///
		       (N ll0 ll df AIC BIC)
		egen bestmodel=min(AIC)
		keep if AIC==bestmodel
		noi list 

18. stsgraph#

qui {
	if 0 { //background
		1. aesthetics for sts graph command
		2. export .png or pdf and control width
		3. use nh3andmort.dta for illustration
	if 1 { //methods
		use nh3andmort.dta, clear 
		g years=permth_exm/12
		stset years, fail(mortstat)
    if 2 { //results
		        #delimit ;
        		sts graph if inrange(hab1,1,5),
        		   ti("Morality in NHANES III",pos(11))
        		   subti("Self-reported health status",pos(11))
        		       lab(1 "Excellent")
        		       lab(2 "Good")
        		       lab(3 "Fair")
        		       lab(4 "Bad")
        		       lab(5 "Poor")
        		       order(5 4 3 2 1)
        		   note("Source: RDC/NCHS/CDC/DHHS",
				       title("# at risk",
					   order(5 " " 4 " " 3 " " 2 " " 1 " ")
        		#delimit cr		
	if 3 { //conclusion
        		graph export nh3andmort.png,replace width(2400)
        		stcox i.hab1 if inrange(hab1,1,5)