if 0 {
   nhanes_fena, ys(2013) ye(2018) mort	
if 0 {
	riagendr mortstat
	seqn ridageyr permth_int permth_exm
if 1 {
	use NHANES_base_2013_2018, clear
	g years=permth_exm/12
    stset years, fail(mortstat==1)
    label define Race ///
       1 "Mexican" ///
       2 "Hispanic" ///
       3 "White" ///
       4 "Black" ///
       5 "Asian"
    label values ridreth1 Race 
if 0 { // nonparametric
	sts graph, ///
    by(ridreth1) ///
    fail ///
    per(100) ///
    ti("Mortality") ///
    ylab(0(3)12, ///
       format(%2.0f) ///
    ) ///
    xlab(0(1)7) ///
    xti("Years") ///
    yti("%", orientation(horizontal)) ///
    caption("Source: NHANES",size(2)) ///
    legend(on ///
       ring(0) ///
	   pos(11) ///
	   lab(1 "Mexican") ///
	   lab(2 "Hispanic") ///
	   lab(3 "White") ///
	   lab(4 "Black") ///
	   lab(5 "Asian") ///
	   order(3 4 1 2 5) ///
	sts list, by(ridreth1) saving(km_estimates, replace )
	   //see if egen is better than collapse 
	   use km_estimates, clear
	   replace time=round(time,1)
	   g mortality=(1-survivor)*100
	   //report absolute risk by followup duration
	   collapse (max) mortality, by(time ridreth1)
	   list if ridreth1==3 
	   list if ridreth1==3 & time==7 //7y mortality for white participants
   //absoluste risk from nonparametric methods
   graph export mortality_np.png, replace 
if 0 {
	//semiparametric methods
	// s0 is base-case survivor function: nonparametric
	stcox i.ridreth1, basesurv(s0)
    matrix define cox=r(table)
    matrix list cox

	//matrix dimentions
	local m = rowsof(cox)
    local n = colsof(cox)
    display "The number of rows is: " `m'
    display "The number of columns is: " `n'

	//cols(cox) = 5 & the third is "White"
	matrix SV = (0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
	matrix risk_score = SV * cox'
	matrix list risk_score
	// hazard ratio: parametric compared with nonparametric base-case
	// thus, semi-parametric (i.e., only half-parametric)
	di risk_score[1,1]
	g f0 = (1-s0) * 100
	g f1 = f0 * risk_score[1,1]
	drop if _t > 7
	//absolute risk from semiparametric methods
	line f1 _t, sort connect(step step) ylab(0(3)12) xlab(0(1)7)
	graph export mortality_sp.png, replace 

    coefplot, xline(1) xlabel(.5 1 2 3) eform
	graph export fig1_coefplot.png, replace 
if 0 {
	matrix c=cox'
	svmat c
	matrix list c 
	g x=_n
	foreach v of varlist c1 c5 c6 {
		replace `v'=log(`v')
	twoway (scatter c1 x)(rcap c5 c6 x, ///
	          yline(0) ///
			  xlab(1 "Mexian" 2 "Hispanic" 3 "White" 4 "Black" 5 "Asian") ///
			  ylab(-1.39 "0.25" -0.69 "0.5" 0 "1" 0.69 "2" 1.39 "4" ) ///
			  xti("") ///
			  yti("HR (95%CI)", orientation(horizontal)) ///
			  legend(off) ///
			  ti("7-Year Mortality") ///
	graph export fig1_manual.png, replace        
if 1 { //parametric methods
   streg i.ridreth1, d(weibull)
   matrix define w =r(table)
   matrix list w 
   //can't figure out how to have the y-scale from 0 to 100%
   stcurve, failure at(ridreth1==3) xti("Years") xlab(0(1)7) ylab(0(.03).12)
   graph export mortality_p.png, replace 
   g lambda=w[1,7]
   g p=w[1,8] 
   //g failure_prob = (1 - exp(-1 * (lambda * _t)^p))*100
   //line failure_prob _t, sort xlab(0(1)7)
   replace _t=round(_t)
   predict s if ridreth1==3, surv
   collapse (max) s, by(_t)
   g f=(1-s)*100
   list //7y mortality for white participants similar regardless of method
//streg (parametric)
//stcox (semiparametric)
//km (nonparametric) 


