Patient survival/death: Refers to whether the patient survived following the transplantation or not.
Graft survival: Relates to the success of the transplanted organ. Death-censored refers to the survival of the graft without considering the death of the patient as a failure, while all-cause includes all reasons.
DGF (Delayed Graft Function): A complication where the kidney doesn’t function immediately after transplantation.
PNF (Primary Non-Function): When the transplanted kidney never functions.
Acute rejection: The body’s immediate reaction to recognizing the kidney as foreign.
Racial category: The race of the patient, which may be considered in studies examining disparities in transplant outcomes.
PRA (Panel Reactive Antibody), Time-varying PRA: Measures how likely a patient will react against different human leukocyte antigens (HLA).
Kidney disease etiology/diagnosis: The underlying cause or diagnosis of the kidney disease.
Fix ABO/ABO mismatch: Blood type matching and compatibility between donor and recipient.
Age at transplant in years.
BMI: Body Mass Index, a measure of body fat.
CIT (Cold Ischemia Time): The time the organ is kept on ice before transplantation.
Donor DM, HTN, terminal SCr > 1.5, ECD, SCr Assessment: Characteristics of the donor, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, terminal serum creatinine, and extended criteria donor classification.
HLA mismatch: Differences in human leukocyte antigens between donor and recipient.
Duration of pre-KT dialysis: The time on dialysis before kidney transplantation.
HCV: Hepatitis C virus, considered for candidate, recipient, and donor.
HCC: Hepatocellular carcinoma, a type of liver cancer.
Immunosuppression/Induction: Medications to prevent organ rejection.
Insurance: Coverage for the transplantation procedure.
KDRI/KDPI, DRI, EPTS: Various scores and indices to evaluate the quality and suitability of a donor organ.
Machine perfusion: A method to preserve organs outside the body.
MELD: Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score, used to prioritize liver transplant candidates.
Previous solid organ Tx/previous KT: History of prior organ transplants or kidney transplants.
Organ Sharing: Policies governing how organs are allocated.
De-identification Code: A code to anonymize patient information.
Transplant Date: The date when the transplant was performed.
LDPKI: Living Donor Profile Index, a measure used to assess the quality of living kidney donors.
These terms encompass a complex and multifaceted procedure, reflecting the many variables and factors that can affect the outcomes of a kidney transplant.
Some additional notes on the data can be found here