

foreach v in sppb_total pfs_reverse pfsm_reverse koos_pain koos_sym koos_rec koos_func koos_qual {
    // Calculate SD for each variable at Baseline_A
    egen temp = sd(`v') if Visit == "1.Baseline_A"
    egen sd_base_`v' = min(temp)
    drop temp
    // Calculate mean for each variable at Baseline_A
    egen temp = mean(`v') if Visit == "1.Baseline_A"
    egen mean_base_`v' = min(temp)
    drop temp

foreach v in sppb_total pfs_reverse pfsm_reverse koos_pain koos_sym koos_rec koos_func koos_qual {
    // Sort by record_id and Visit, then generate change score
    sort record_id Visit
    by record_id: gen change_`v' = ((`v'-`v'[1]) / sd_base_`v')

// Standardize variables
foreach v in sppb_total pfs_reverse pfsm_reverse koos_pain koos_sym koos_rec koos_func koos_qual {
    gen std_`v' = (`v'-mean_base_`v') / sd_base_`v'


  • Can’t share the data to test this code for issues of privacy

  • Simulating the underlying hierarchical data might help overcome this

  • Let’s discuss the underlying structure to aid simulation