1. Perioperative and long-term risks following nephrectomy in older living kidney donors

  2. A user-friendly Stata command for creating an NHANES dataset: coming soon …

  3. Individualized risk prediction following multivariable regression: example 1, example 2, example 3

    • Explore methodological approaches:

      • Nonparametric (Kaplan-Meier)

      • Semiparametric (Cox)

      • Parametric (Weibull)

  4. Stata code templates for those working with SRTR data can be found here and are update-to-date as of 02/2022. Subsequent updates will be subject to version control and will be available on GitHub.

  5. R code snippets for miscellaneous tasks can be found here and are only update-to-date as of 08/2022. Subsequent updates will be subject to version control and will be available on GitHub.

  6. Quick and dirty Python code to create a simulated dataset for living kidney donors can be found here. While baseline characteristics of this population are available to the public via the SRTR, the longitudinal data are not. This code is meant to be a starting point and training ground before sharing a refined script that will be run onsite at the SRTR.

  7. Miscellaneous Stata code snippets can be found here and are only update-to-date as of 08/17/2023. Subsequent updates will be subject to version control and will be available on GitHub.